Robin Dodson
Horse Leader

Horse Leader
Robin has loved horses all of her life. She got her first pony – Trigger – at age 8 and she’s had at least one horse by her side ever since. She spent her career as a Speech Therapist in South Carolina public schools and, after retiring, turned her full attention to combining her lifelong passions.
In 2021, Robin became a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI) through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship-International (PATH-I). As a Horse Leader at Carolina Therapeutic Ranch, Robin is able to apply her years in the classroom and on horseback to assisting during Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy sessions.
When she’s not at the Ranch, Robin enjoys playing with the “ponies” on her farm, spending time with her grandchildren, playing Cribbage, coaching 4-H Horse kids, working in the yard, and cutting hay in the spring and summer. Her horses are Li’l Doc, a 39” pony; Monty the Mustang; Shooter, a leopard spot Appaloosa; and Daisy Two Socks and Sedona.